We discussed plans for 2018 as a group. Below are notes from the discussion
Ideas on content to cover in the meetups
- trivia
- short package intro and go through vignette with some extensions
go through datasets from different industries
people can ask questions (ask a few days before) so that they can be addressed during the meetup
- Topics of interest:
- github
- docker/rocker
- setting up RStudio/Shiny in cloud (AWS, google cloud etc.)
- Markdown/knitr
Participate in hackathons
- What folks want from the group:
- See different things
- intro stuff
Look to change location closer to downtown
Plan couple of months ahead
Have some pre-made content to fill periodically
- Feb:
- Reticulate: 30 min Shankar
- Review of Rstudio conf: 1h Will Landau
- March:
- Intro topic (data basics) - Todd
- Somewhere: (Alex)
- using R with SQL, dbi
- Start to finish build your theme for ggplot